Dr. Matthew Minnick serves as RESPEC’s Reservoir Engineering Program Manager, focused on Geothermal and CCS consulting services. He has a doctorate degree from the Colorado School of Mines in geological engineering and a minor in computer science. He has 17 years of experience in geological engineering focused on geothermal resource assessment, subsurface-flow modeling, three-dimensional (3D) earth modeling, advanced GIS applications, and geohydrology. His geothermal experience ranges from traditional high-enthalpy systems in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand and volcanic arc systems in Colombia, South America, to low-enthalpy sedimentary heat reservoirs in Canada and the US. Dr. Minnick served on the Latin America Geothermal Development Fund (LAGDF) technical due diligence committee. He is currently the Chief Geothermal Resource Engineer on the Tu De Kah Clarke Lake Geothermal Power Development Project, in British Columbia and DEEP Earth Energy Production Company project in Saskatchewan. Both the Tu De Kah and DEEP projects are North America’s premier innovative sedimentary heat geothermal power projects. Dr. Minnick is the chief subsurface engineer on multiple innovative shallow thermal energy storage projects including a US DOD feasibility project.