AAPG Energy and Minerals Division (EMD) and AAPG Division of Environmental Geologists (DEG)

New Energy in New Energies: The Broadening of Energy Minerals Takes Hold

Thursday, 29 August
11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
George R. Brown Convention Center, Level 3, Room 310

The Energy Minerals Division has seen a considerable broadening in what is considered an energy mineral in the last few years. Hydrogen, helium, geothermal, and the rise of critical minerals that are specifically recoverable from oil and gas production streams broaden the mandate for legacy companies in the energy space and has created several whole new market sectors inhabited by both startup companies and incumbents. This talk examines broad market trends in these new energy resources and offer perspectives on what the new markets can learn from the incumbents and vice versa.

Fee: $75

Dr. Benjamin Burke is CEO of Gradient Geothermal, Inc., a Denver-based modular geothermal technology company. He is a geoscientist with almost 20 years of management and work experience in the oil and gas industry with a diverse range of companies including a major, a large independent, and a private-equity backed startup. He is a past president of the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists and an Affiliate Faculty member with the Geology and Geological Engineering Department at Colorado School of Mines.
Benjamin Burke, Chief Executive Officer, Gradient Geothermal
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