Erik received his Ph.D. in Sedimentology from Louisiana State University. He has over 25 years’ experience understanding petroleum systems working across the full life cycle of the industry; from regional geology, acreage evaluation, prospect maturation, discovery delineations, appraisal and development studies through to late field life recompletion evaluation and near field exploitation across six continents. He is a recognized industry expert in sedimentology, particularly in clastic depositional settings, and has expertise in the geologic analysis of seismic data and integrated petroleum systems evaluation.
Erik is routinely called upon for peer reviews/assists evaluating all aspects of the petroleum system, volumetric inputs/calculations and geologic risk assessment for exploration, development and production projects. He is an active coach and mentor of all experience levels of technical staff through informal and formal settings and is a short course / workshop instructor and field trip leader. Erik is an Adjunct Professor at Rice University teaching seismic interpretation and sedimentology at the graduate level.