Kenn is a Chevron Fellow in Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology and a member of Exploration Maturation Team, with Chevron Global Exploration in Houston, TX. Kenn received his PhD from the University of California at Davis and began his career at Exxon Production Research Company in Houston where he worked on a wide variety of projects in seismic stratigraphy, clastic stratigraphy, and basin analysis. He left Exxon to become an environmental consultant in the San Francisco Bay area in California where he specialized in applying stratigraphic concepts to environmental and groundwater resource issues. In 2007, Kenn joined Chevron has worked on a wide range of projects in Gulf of Mexico (USA and Mexico), Alaska, West Africa, East Africa, South America, Canada, Suriname, India, Bangladesh, and Australia. Kenn also currently teaches seismic stratigraphy at Texas A&M University.