Tom Fett graduated from Trinity University in 1966 with a BS in Engineering Science. He went to work for Schlumberger Wireline and worked as a Field Engineer in South Texas and as a District Manager in North Texas. In 1975 he became the Dipmeter champion for the Texas Gulf Coast He has been directly involved in the introduction of the High Resolution and Stratigraphic Dipmeter tools and the Formation MicroIScanner (FMS) and MicroImager (FMI). As such, he helped develop structural, stratigraphic and fracture delineation applications, including the interpretation of the industry’s first horizontal FMS. This Austin Chalk well ignited the Unconventional Resources Boom. For ten years, he taught a graduate level log analysis course at Texas A&I University. He was Division Geologist for Australasia and for Saudi Arabia. He retired in 2000 and remains active as a consultant. He has served as president of the local geological and SIPES chapters.