Technical Program at a Glance

Oral Presentations

Monday 29 August

This is a preliminary program guide. Please check back for the finalized program

Technical Program Details

Subject to change

8:00am - 9:40am
HPG 1: History of Petroleum Geoscience
SS 1: Latest Advancement in Machine Learning for Geoscience - Part 1
NEF 1: Critical Minerals Resources: Shales and Brines
BG 1: Advances in Borehole Acoustics and Geomechanics 1
SS 2: Career-Advancing Near-Surface Geophysics: From Rock Core to Watershed Scales: Recognizing the Achievements of Rosemary Knight - Part 1
DAS 1: Low-Frequency Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Fracture Monitoring
SPET 1: Applications and Advances in Integrated Workflows
INT 1: International Basins: Exploration and Prospecting 1
CEMS 1: Characterization of Conventional Carbonates 1
MLDA 1: Novel Applications 1
GBMPS 1: Seal Capacity and Seal Risk
UNCON 1: Basin and Play Scale Characterization 1
SILIC 1: Deepwater Sedimentary Systems: Science and Discovery 1
10:20am - 12:00pm
SS 3: Latest Advancement in Machine Learning for Geoscience - Part 2
BG 2: Advances in Borehole Acoustics and Geomechanics 2
SS 4: Career-Advancing Near-Surface Geophysics: From Rock Core to Watershed Scales: Recognizing the Achievements of Rosemary Knight - Part 2
DAS 2: Seismic Processing
SPET 2: Advances in Processing
INT 2: Structural Impact on Exploration and Production 1
CEMS 2: Modern Microscale Methods for Carbonate Characterization
MLDA 2: Velocity Model Building and Full-Waveform Inversion 1
GBMPS 2: Geochemical Reservoir Characterization 1
UNCON 2: Shale and Tight Reservoir Characterization 1
SILIC 2: Shallow Marine Sedimentary Systems: The Link between the Land and the Deep Sea 1
1:20pm - 3:00pm
BG 3: Advances in Borehole Geophysics and Geomechanics 1
SPET 3: Application of Signal Processing and Compressive Sensing
INT 3: Quantitative Structural Interpretation Methods
CEMS 3: South Atlantic Margin and Analogs 1
MLDA 3: Seismic Processing 1
GBMPS 3: Geochemical Reservoir Characterization 2
UNCON 3: Applied Geophysics, Geomechanics, and Petrophysics for Shale and Tight Reservoirs 1
SILIC 3: Integrated Reservoir Characterization: From Grains to Giant Fields
3:40pm - 5:20pm
SM 1: Scale Considerations and the Reservoir
DAS 3: Innovative Applications
FWI 1: Methods 2
INT 4: Seismic Attributes Applications to Geological Interpretations 1
SS 5: Petroleum Reserves and Resources Evaluation and Management
MLDA 4:Seismic Processing 2
GBMPS 4: Petroleum System Modeling in Diverse Settings
UNCON 4: Innovative Solutions and Data Science Applications in Unconventional Resource Evaluation
SILIC 4: Paleoenvironments and Source to Sink: Integrating the Past and Present to Inform the Future

Tuesday 30 August

8:00am - 9:40am
NEF 2: Advancements in Gas Hydrates Research
SM 2: Improved Accuracy and Robustness
TL 1: Advances and Case Studies
VSP 1: Advanced Applications of Borehole Seismic Technologies
FWI 2: Methods 4
INT 5: Advanced Seismic Interpretation and Characterization 1
EMRS 1: CSEM Technology and Application
MLDA 5: Seismic Interpretation 2
SGS 1: Hydrocarbon Exploration and Reservoir Characterization: Insight from the Middle East
UNCON 5: Pore-Scale Techniques and Laboratory Studies for Characterizing Mudrocks
STGM 1: Fractures, Faults, and Fluids 1
10:20am - 12:00pm
AVOSI 1: Methods 2
TL 2: Quantitative Analysis and Inversion
FWI 3: Applications 1
INT 6: Advanced Seismic Interpretation and Characterization 2
EMRS 2: Integrated Interpretation
MLDA 6: Seismic Interpretation 3
SGS 2: Digital Transformation in Seismic Imaging: Insight from the Middle East
GM 1: Inversion Insights
STGM 2:Tectonics and Structural Style
1:20pm - 3:00pm
SS 6: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead: Hot Topics in Space, Infrastructure, and Exploration Geophysics - Part 1
AVOSI 2: Methods 3
SS 7: Geoscientists Without Borders©: Applied Geoscience for Humanitarian Need
FWI 4: Applications 2
INT 7: Machine Learning Applications to Seismic Interpretation 1
EMRS 3: Machine Learning and Inversion
MLDA 7: Uncertainty Quantification 1
SGS 3: New Advancements in Seismic Imaging: Insight from the Middle East
GM 2: Non Standard Applications in Potential Fields
STGM 3: Structural Interpretation and Modeling
3:40pm - 5:20pm
SS 8: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead: Hot Topics in Space, Infrastructure, and Exploration Geophysics - Part 2
AVOSI 3: Applications 2
SS 9: Electromagnetic and Gravity Methods in Carbon Capture and Storage Monitoring
FWI 5: Applications 3
INT 8: Machine Learning Applications to Seismic Interpretation 2
MG 1: New Methods and Case Histories
MLDA 8: Uncertainty Quantification 2
SS 10: New Instrumentation
SPMNR 1: OBN and Case Studies
STGM 4: Fractures, Faults, and Fluids 2

Wednesday 31 August

8:00am - 9:40am
CO2 1: Case Studies for Carbon Capture and Storage
SUS 1: Geoscience for Environmental and Sustainable Energy Development
SS 11: SEG/AGU Hydrogeophysics
FWI 6: Applications 5
ACQ1: Marine Acquisition 1
SVE 1: New Solutions and Applications
MLDA 9: Inversion and Property Estimation 1
RC 1: Methods 1
SPMNR 2: Interbed-Multiples Attenuation
ANI 1: Applications
10:20am - 12:00pm
NS 1: Imaging and Inversion
IPS 1: Passive Seismic Processing
FWI 7: Elastic 2
ACQ 2: Marine Acquisition 2
SVE 2: Model Constraints and Uncertainty
MLDA 10: Inversion and Property Estimation 2
RC 2: Methods 2
SPMNR 3: Regularization and Deblending
SPMI 1: Imaging Case History
1:20pm - 3:00pm
CO2 2: Monitoring Using Seismic Methods 2
NS 2: Advanced Processing and Machine Learning 2
IPS 2:Theory and Geomechanics
INTD 1: A Better Understanding of the Subsurface through Integrated Data
FWI 8: Methods and Applications 1
ACQ 3: Improving Land Seismic Data
RP 1: Seismic Applications
MLDA 11: Statistical Analysis
RC 3: Case Studies 1
SPMNR 4: Denoising
SPMI 2: Least-Squares Migration and Applications
3:10pm - 4:50pm
ST 1: Theoretical Developments in Imaging, Inversion, and Wave Phenomena
CO2 3: Resource Characterization for Carbon Capture and Storage 2
NS 3: Urban and Environmental
IPS 3: Induced Seismicity and Seismic Interferometry
INTD 2: Leveraging Software and Infrastructure to Drive Innovation through Data
FWI 9: Methods and Applications 2
ACQ 4: Optimizing Geometry
RP 2: Stress and Frequency Dependent Rock Properties
MLDA 12: Borehole Applications 2
RC 4: Case Studies 2
SPMNR 5: Development and Applications
SPMI 3: Enhancement of Imaging Algorithms

Poster Presentations

Monday 29 August

10:20am - 12:00pm
ANI P1: Theory and Practice
IPS P1: Processing, Analysis, and Geomechanical Simulation
SUS P1: ESG Opportunities Within the Geosciences
RP P1: Recent Development
SPET P1: Application of Data Merge and Machine Learning
STUD P1: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleoenvironments
SPMNR P1: Land Denoising and Statics
SPMI P1: Enhancement of Least Squares Migration
NS P1: Advanced Processing and Machine Learning 1
TL P1: Improvements
1:20pm - 3:00pm
MLDA P1:Seismic Interpretation 1
FWI P1: Methods 1
INT P1: International Basins: Exploration and Prospecting 2
AVOSI P1: Methods 1
SPET P2: Application of Image Enhancements
STUD P2: Petroleum Systems and Basin Tectonics
SPMNR P2: Deblending and Denoising
SPMI P2: Diffraction, Converted, and Prismatic Imaging
NS P2: Water and Environmental Issues
ACQ P1: Novel Marine Acquisition
3:40pm - 5:20pm
MLDA P2: Borehole Applications 1
FWI P2: Methods 3
INT P2: Structural Impact on Exploration and Production 2
AVOSI P2: Applications 1
CEMS P1: Characterization of Conventional Carbonates 2
STUD P3: Modelling and Machine Learning
SPMNR P3: Regularization and Reprocessing
SPMI P3: Novel Imaging Methods
NS P3: Imaging
ACQ P2: Novel Land Acquisition

Tuesday 30 August

10:20am - 12:00pm
MLDA P3: Inversion
FWI P3: Elastic 1
INT P3: Advanced Attributes and Seismic Interpretation Methods
INTD P1: Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Use of Data across Disciplines
CEMS P2: Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Systems
CO2 P1: Relevant Topics for Carbon Capture and Storage
SPMNR P4: Demultiples and Denoising
SILIC P1: Deepwater Sedimentary Systems: Science and Discovery 2
NS P4: Data Processing and Imaging
RC P1: Innovative Methods 1
1:20pm - 3:00pm
MLDA P4: Seismic Processing 3
FWI P4: Methods 5
INT P4: Advanced Seismic Interpretation and Characterization 3
BG P1: Advances in Borehole Geophysics and Geomechanics 2
CEMS P3: South Atlantic Margin and Analogs 2
CO2 P2: Monitoring Using Seismic Methods 1
GBMPS P1: Petroleum System Investigation in Frontier Settings
SILIC P2: Shallow Marine Sedimentary Systems: The Link between the Land and the Deep Sea
UNCON P1: Basin and Play Scale Characterization 2
RC P2: Innovative Methods 2
3:40pm - 5:20pm
MLDA P5: Velocity Model Building and Full-Waveform Inversion 2
FWI P5: Applications 4
INT P5: Seismic Attributes Applications to Geological Interpretations 2
BG P2: Advances in Borehole Geophysics and Geomechanics 3
DAS P1: Near-Surface Applications
CO2 P3: Resource Characterization for Carbon Capture and Storage 1
GBMPS P2: Techniques for Geochemical Reservoir Characterization
SILIC P3: Integrated Reservoir Characterization: From Grains to Giant Fields and Paleoenvironments and Source to Sink: Integrating the Past and Present to Inform the Future
UNCON P2: Shale and Tight Reservoir Characterization 2
SM P1: Complex/Porous Media

Wednesday 31 August

10:20am - 12:00pm
MLDA P6: Novel Applications 2
FWI P6: Applications 6
INT P6: Machine Learning Applications to Seismic Interpretation 2
NEF P1: Critical Minerals, Geothermal, and CBM
DAS P2: Acquisition and Calibration
STGM P1: Structure, Tectonics, and Geomechanics
SVE P1: Model Building in Complex Geology
VSP P1: Practical Applications of Borehole Seismic Technologies
UNCON P3: Applied Geophysics, Geomechanics, and Petrophysics for Shale and Tight Reservoirs 2
SM P2: Innovative Concepts and Viscoelasticity


Topic Areas Key

ACQ – Acquisition and Survey Design
ANI – Anisotropy
AVOSI – AVO and Seismic Inversion
BG – Borehole Geophysics and Geomechanics
CEMS – Carbonates, Evaporites and Mixed Systems
CO2 – Low Carbon Solutions/CCS
DAS – Distributed Acoustic Sensing
EMRS – EM Exploration and Reservoir Surveillance
FWI – Full Waveform Inversion
GBMPS – Geochemistry, Basin Modeling and Petroleum Systems
GM – Gravity and Magnetics
HPG – History of Petroleum Geoscience
INT – Geological and Geophysical Interpretation
INTD – Deep Integration of Data and Disciplines
IPS – Induced and Passive Seismic
MG – Mining
MLDA – Machine Learning and Data Analytics: Theory and Special Applications
NEF – New Energy Frontiers, Critical Minerals, Planetary Geoscience
NS – Near Surface
RC – Integrated Reservoir Characterization
RP – Rock Physics
SGS – Special Global Session
SILIC – Silicilastic Systems
SM – Seismic Modeling
SPET – Seismic Processing: Emerging Technologies
SPMI – Seismic Processing: Migration
SPMNR – Seismic Processing: Multiples, Noise, and Regularization
SS – Special Session
ST – Seismic Theory
STGM – Structure, Tectonics, and Geomechanics
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