Kevin Bohcas
Kevin Bohacs Sc.D. FGSA FGS FRGS recently retired from ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company where he led the application of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology to mudstones from lacustrine to deep-marine environments and onto Mars. He now operates KMBohacs Geoconsulting LLC. He has conducted field research in more than 42 countries and written more than 100 scientific contributions. Dr. Bohacs is the co-author and editor of books on sequence stratigraphy, lacustrine hydrocarbon reservoirs, and field safety, most notably the SEPM Mudstone Primer and AAPG Memoir 126 “Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Fine-grained Rocks. He has received many best paper citations and awards (most recently, AAPG Sidney Powers award), and has served as distinguished lecturer for several societies nationally and internationally.
Kevin Bohcas


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